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Amongst other things, pupils classified as having sensory and physical needs may need support with a visual or hearing impairment. They may have medical needs that affect their progress and ability to learn. Support we can provide for pupils with communication and interaction needs is as follows:


  • Bespoke arrangements for students with physical disabilities to ensure they can access the curriculum.

  • We provide support and practical aids where appropriate to ensure pupils can access the curriculum.

  • We seek advice and guidance from school health for pupils with significant medical needs and have a school nurse on site during the week.

  • We request and act upon advice and guidance from the Newcastle Children’s Vision Team and Hearing Impairment Team; they monitor students over the year.

  • When it is appropriate, we use ICT to enhance pupils' access to the curriculum.

  • When required staff receive training in understanding the impact of a physical or sensory need on the teaching of learning of the child.

  • All the entrances to school have ramps fitted to allow wheelchair access and there is a lift in each of our main buildings.

  • Our school has disabled toilets.

  • Care can be arranged during breaks and lunchtimes.

  • Where required, staff receive training to ensure they understand the impact of a sensory need upon teaching and learning where there is a need; all staff in the SEND department are trained in moving and handling.

  • Access to strategies/programmes to support Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy.

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