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Día de los Muertos - Day of the Dead

The MFL department will be running a series of events from Tuesday 1st - Friday the 4th November to mark Día de los Muertos - the Mexican festival of Day of the Dead. Not to be confused with Halloween, the festival remembers and celebrates loved ones who have passed away and takes place on the 1st and 2nd of November. The 2nd of November is also the Christian festival of All Souls' day, another day of remembrance for the faithful departed where families come together to pray for those who are no longer with us.

Throughout the week students can engage in the following events:

Tuesday - Paper skull making

Join us as we make calaveras de papel - paper skulls. Skulls are one of the most recognisable symbols of day of the dead and are often intricately decorated with flowers and patterns.

Wednesday - Sugar biscuit decorating

Traditionally, people create and decorate sugar skulls on day of the dead, known as calaveras de azúcar. Join us as we decorate some sugar skull biscuits - you can take them home at the end of the day once they're dry!

Thursday/Friday - Screening of 'Coco'

Disney's 'Coco' captures beautifully the spirit of Día de los Muertos and contains many references to customs and traditions that take part over the 2 days. It's an absolute must see!

Cempasúchil conmemorativo - Marigold of remembrance

Finally, outside the MFL office there will be at table with paper marigold petals (a flower which is commonly used within the celebrations). If any student would like to pray for a loved one or family member who has passed away, they are welcome to write their name on a petal and post it in the box. We will then be creating a display using the marigold petals.



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