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The ultimate responsibility for the running of Sacred Heart Catholic High School resides with the Directors of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. They set the strategic direction for the Trust and are accountable to the Secretary of State for the performance of the schools within it. This is set out in a legal document known as the ‘funding agreement‘.

The Trustees have overall responsibility for all schools in the Trust. However, the scheme of delegation, The Local Governing Committee (Governors) provides guidance and support to the Headteacher and Leadership Team who are responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. The Local Governing Committee meets each half-term. The Local Governing Committee is responsible for the school’s policies.

For details of the directors of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust please see here: 


Mrs S Howell, Headteacher, Staff Governor

Mrs D Kendall, Chair of Governors

Ms H Thompson, Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs E Payne, Foundation Governor

Mr T Braun, Foundation Governor

Fr P Smith, Foundation Governor

Mr K Mather, Staff Governor

Mrs J Smith, Parent Governor

For further information including pecuniary interests and attendance at LGC meetings, please see the documents linked below:

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