"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat
Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

At Sacred Heart Catholic High School, in accordance with the gospel values, we aim to uphold the right of all students to have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Here, every child is equal and unique and we aim to provide a safe and supportive environment where pupils can flourish.
There are a number of reasons why pupils may be identified as having special educational needs or a disability (SEND) and we support pupils of all ages across the ability range; some of the reasons are outlined below:
They have a specific difficulty need such as dyslexia or dyscalculia
They have a sensory impairment, for example a hearing or visual impairment
They have difficulties communicating or with social interaction
They have mental health or emotional difficulties that are affecting their learning
They are struggling to make progress with their learning despite appropriate in class differentiation
We are very proud of all we do to support pupils who attend Sacred Heart Catholic High School with SEND. Pupils have access to a full range of educational and pastoral support to ensure they make excellent progress and feel happy and fulfilled at school.
These webpages are intended to give you general information regarding the ways in which we ensure we support all of our pupils with SEND, in order that they can realise their potential. It may not list every skill, resource and technique we use to achieve this as these are continually developed and we try to modify our provision to meet the needs of individual pupils.
Children with SEND at Sacred Heart High School make outstanding progress. Other useful documents such as our SEN and Disability policy are also available on the school website.
If you would like further information about what we offer here at Sacred Heart Catholic High School for students with SEND, then please do not hesitate to contact the SENDCo Mrs N Swan directly on: 01912751931.
We have seven enthusiastic and dynamic Learning Support Assistants who support students with SEND at Sacred Heart both in and out of class. We also have two Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) who teach smaller intervention groups in English and Humanities. One of our HLTAs also liaises with primary schools to ensure students make a smooth transition to Sacred Heart.
Our SENDCo co-ordinates provision for the students with SEND at Sacred Heart and teaches English across the ability range. As a department, we work hard to support students and enable them to stay in mainstream classrooms with their peers.
For all students who have an additional need, here at Sacred Heart Catholic High School we:
Work closely with parents or carers to agree on the best actions to take to help students make progress and feel happy at school.
Make sure lesson content is adapted to take into account different learning needs and to make sure students can access the content of the lessons.
Employ a fully qualified SENDCo who leads on SEND provision across the school and who works with a member of the leadership team to act as an advocate for students with SEND.
Monitor the progress of the students through the SEND department to ensure students are making progress in English and Maths; this allows the SENDCo to take action if progress is not as expected.
Provide a keyworker who will meet with students informally at least once a year so they can voice any concerns and have a contact within the department.
Create a teacher overview to help the teachers understand the unique needs of students and adapt their lessons appropriately. These documents also include students' views.
Create Individual Education Plans for our high need students which are formulated and overseen by the SENDCo in conjunction with the students, parents and staff.
Hold regular meetings for teaching assistants with the SENDCo, to review students, interventions and resources and to adapt provision where necessary.
Support our families of children with SEND, formally through review meetings and informally as our SENDCo is available to speak either on the phone, in person or at one of our termly coffee mornings.
Seek advice from outside agencies to ensure each students' needs are fully identified and understood and to learn from specialists how best to support our children with SEND.
Map provision and evaluate intervention groups and strategies on a termly basis.
Regularly evaluate our teaching resources to ensure they are accessible to all students with SEND.
Ensure our school activities and trips, as far as is possible, are accessible to all our students with SEND.
Provide on-going SEND training and information for teachers, teaching assistants and other staff in the school.
Liaise closely with primary schools and High and Further Education providers to ensure SEND student information is clearly communicated and to help students with SEND feel at ease when making the transition to high school or to Higher or Further Education providers.
Place support staff where needed throughout the school to ensure students' progress, independence and value for money.
Access arrangements are applied for where we feel students with SEND would benefit from additional provision in exam situations.
Amongst other things, pupils classified as having cognition and learning needs may have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or moderate learning difficulties where there may be more general issues around literacy and numeracy. The learning needs may also be more severe and students may require appropriate intervention so they can access the curriculum. Support we can provide for pupils with cognition and learning needs is as follows:
Teachers will adapt the curriculum and resources appropriately, reflecting on the needs of the student and taking advice from the SENDCo regarding appropriate resources.
Strategies are provided to promote and develop literacy and numeracy, including one to one intervention to improve skills in a range of areas.
We access the expertise and advice of the Special Educational Needs Disability Outreach Service (SENDOS formerly SENTASS), Single Point of Access (SPA) and SEN Advice Support Allocation Panel (SEN ASAP formally SPoC), to ensure the needs of children are clearly identified and appropriate provision is in place.
We use Accelerated Reader to ensure students are reading on a regular basis.
ICT is used to reduce barriers to learning where appropriate.
We provide resources to support children with specific needs- e.g. coloured overlays and reading rulers to help with reading for our dyslexic children.
Our school’s SENDCo, Nichola Swan, can assess students for access arrangements so they can be in place for examination periods.
Amongst other things, pupils classified as having communication and interaction needs may be on the autism spectrum or may have speech difficulties. Support we can provide for pupils with communication and interaction needs is as follows:
Teachers will adapt the curriculum and resources appropriately, reflecting on the needs of the student
Visual timetables can be provided
The learning centre is a peaceful area and students can use this as a ‘calm area’ if it is agreed this would be an appropriate strategy
We run a film club and craft club in the learning centre as we understand unstructured time can be problematic; keyworkers will also work with tutors to ensure other whole school clubs are considered where appropriate
We offer a social skills programme and organisational support
We have an in-school counsellor who can help students through difficult periods
We can arrange access to academic mentoring if required so students don’t fall behind with their work in class
Targeted intervention in Maths and English can be considered to improve skills in numeracy and literacy
Support and advice is sought from outside agencies to ensure any barriers to success are fully identified and responded to; any programmes implemented are fully supported and communicated to staff
Amongst other things, pupils classified as having sensory and physical needs may need support with a visual or hearing impairment. They may have medical needs that affect their progress and ability to learn. Support we can provide for pupils with communication and interaction needs is as follows:
Bespoke arrangements for students with physical disabilities to ensure they can access the curriculum.
We provide support and practical aids where appropriate to ensure pupils can access the curriculum.
We seek advice and guidance from school health for pupils with significant medical needs and have a school nurse on site during the week.
We request and act upon advice and guidance from the Newcastle Children’s Vision Team and Hearing Impairment Team; they monitor students over the year.
When it is appropriate, we use ICT to enhance pupils' access to the curriculum.
When required staff receive training in understanding the impact of a physical or sensory need on the teaching of learning of the child.
All the entrances to school have ramps fitted to allow wheelchair access and there is a lift in each of our main buildings.
Our school has disabled toilets.
Care can be arranged during breaks and lunchtimes.
Where required, staff receive training to ensure they understand the impact of a sensory need upon teaching and learning where there is a need; all staff in the SEND department are trained in moving and handling.
Access to strategies/programmes to support Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy.
Amongst other things, pupils classified as having social, emotional and mental health needs may need support with anxiety or their emotional health may be affecting their progress; they may require help to manage their behaviour in the classroom. Support we can provide for pupils with communication and interaction needs is as follows:
The school provides fantastic pastoral care for all students and each year group has a head of progress and deputy head of progress that monitors behaviour, progress and the emotional needs of the students.
We run one-to-one and small group sessions focusing on emotional understanding and social skills.
We have a ‘calm area’ where students on the SEND register can go if they feel they need some quiet time; time out cards can be arranged.
We run intervention programmes for students who are struggling with literacy and numeracy skills or have access to academic mentoring for students who have fallen behind in a subject.
We use behaviour reports and praise reports to help students manage and take ownership of their behaviour so all members of the school remain safe.
We complete risk assessments and then take action to ensure the safety and inclusion of all children, whenever possible, in all activities.
We have a Humanities group in Year 7 which can help new and vulnerable students settle into the school.
We have an in-school counsellor available for students with a specific emotional need, for example, bereavement.
We seek the expert advice and support of outside agencies, including the School Nurse and the Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS)
Where a student has SEND and is also a child in care, we have a designated teacher and CIC coordinator in school to ensure students are supported.
Individual mentoring is available to support pupils.
We have an on-site Chaplain to assist with spiritual and emotional development.
There are clubs run through the Learning Centre at lunch times to support vulnerable pupils. Support is available at break times if required.
Supports families with disabled children and young people from birth to 25 years. Telephone 0191 281 2485 or email admin@nsnn.org.uk
Supports families with disabled children and young people from birth to 25 years. Telephone 0191 281 2485 or email admin@nsnn.org.uk