Now in its sixth year, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is a free, open submission exhibition for students aged 4–19 studying in the UK. Artworks are judged by a panel of artists and arts professionals, with selected artworks displayed online and on-site at the Royal Academy of Arts in London.
Sacred Heart is registered for this competition - you can submit artwork in any material (collage, drawing, paint, sculpture or textiles). Please see the Art Department for further information – to register go to
Each student can submit one artwork and there is no theme. When you enter, you will be asked for an image of your artwork plus some information about the piece such as title, size, and a little text about the artwork and why you made it. Your artwork will be seen by our panel of judges and the selected pieces will be shown in our online exhibition. Some of the artworks will also be shown at the Royal Academy of Arts.
Submitting artwork is completely free and is done online. If you are 12 or under, a teacher or parent/guardian will need to enter for you; if you are 13 or over you can submit artwork yourself. If you wish for a teacher to submit your artwork please email your image to Miss Watson - with the subject 'RA Summer Competition 2024', include title, size, and a text about the artwork and why you made it, before the deadline.
Registration and submission is open until 27 March 2024. Find out more and get involved.