Unifrog have published a new list of webinars for students and their families this half term.
This half term includes:
Virtual Work Experience with the Institution of Mechanical Engineering
Explore the mysteries of our universe through the study of physics, quantum science and artificial intelligence
Becoming a doctor
Interactive law taster: Is Melissa Guilty of murder?
Let's talk about university
For parents and caregivers: Let's talk about post-18 options
Let's talk about apprenticeships
Y12 & Y13 – Think you've got the skills to become an entrepreneur?
Top tips for acing your Personal Statement
Breaking barriers: applying to selective universities
Top tips on acing your portfolio for university creative arts courses
All previous webinars are also available on their website.
The full list can be accessed at: https://www.unifrog.org/student/webinars
Parents will be able to access these webinars through their own Unifrog accounts.