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A Great Start to the Year for Duke of Edinburgh Students

At the end of this month, our Year 11 Bronze DofE groups got to take part in their assessed expeditions.

On the practice expeditions completed last year, the students walked with their group leaders and got to practise their navigation and teamwork skills. The assessed expedition is where the fun really starts, and this time students got to experience the independence and freedom of leading their own groups. Staff however, got to test their eyesight from various vantage points along the way!

The students walked for two days covering 14km each day and camped overnight in between. For the Bronze Award, they must carry everything they need with them for the full two days. The teams always have great fun whilst developing a wide range of skills including working as part of a team; navigation with a paper map and compass; living without a phone signal and cooking in the rain, to name a few.

This year, the weather was generally kind and the students experienced more dry calm weather than rain. It was just unfortunate that the rain came when setting up and packing down their tents, which is never fun!

All students did exceptionally well and passed the expedition section of the DofE award. Well done to all who took part and thank you to the staff who volunteered their time to support the students.



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