Career of the week for Monday, 18th December focuses on being an Electrician.
A focus of this Career of the Week is looking at opportunties with Your Homes Newcastle.
Your Homes Newcastle are a large employer in Newcastle, with over 26,000 homes and more than 1,000 employees. They are constantly recruiting for apprentices across a range of career opportunities.
Sacred Heart works with YHN to help secure some of the best opportunities for our students in this company through the Enterprise Advisor work of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP).
The kind of apprenticeship being recruited constantly changes. Check the YHN website for specific availibilities in either business or construction-related areas.
Career of the week is a weekly overview on a chosen career. Careers are selected that are in demand in the local area, aspirational or to provide further information on common destinations.
Each career has a brief overview of what you do, local LMI and opportunities , general entry requirements and the skills required in the chosen field.
For more independent information you should look to:
Or talk to your Career Advisor during your guidance interview.