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Sacred Heart Win School Attendance Award - Thank You!

Updated: Feb 29

We are thrilled to announce that Sacred Heart has won an attendance award for being in the top 10-25% of schools nationally for attendance in the Autumn term (2023/24).

The awards are an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of staff, pupils, parents and carers in achieving excellent attendance during this time.

The attendance was monitored by an educational group called Fischer Family Trust (FFT). FFT said: “Each term, we present some of the very best schools with an FFT National Attendance Award. Whilst all schools do an incredible job to improve pupil attendance, we’d like to say a special ‘thank-you’ to your school by presenting you with an FFT National School Attendance Award for the 2023/24 Autumn term.”

We feel incredibly lucky to have a school community where excellent attendance is valued highly by staff, students, and parents/carers alike. We are so grateful to our fantastic students for their efforts in getting into school every day, and thankful for our encouraging and supportive parents and carers that help them achieve this. We all know and value the importance of excellent attendance. Every day in school really does matter, not only for strong academic progress and attainment, but for wider social benefits too.

Thank you again for helping us achieve this award!


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