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"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat

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Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

Shaping Sacred Heart through Student and Parent Voice

At Sacred Heart Catholic High School, we value student and parent voice. The ideas and opinions of our students, parents and carers help shape our school. Every year we conduct a student survey and also regularly survey parents on issues such as: pastoral care (including bullying, prejudice and safeguarding); our Sacred Heart Ethos and culture; teaching and learning; and CIEAG (Careers and ‘next steps’).  

This month, we have used assemblies to feed back to our students and explain how their voice is shaping our school. We are always striving to improve our school and are never complacent. Examples of changes we have made based on student and parent voice include: adapting our uniform with the introduction of school trousers and a headscarf as options; changing the mobile phone rule to support parents; improving the food on offer in our school canteen; improving site safety and parental pick up points; and revamping our parents' consultation evenings.  

The student survey 2023-24 produced another bumper year or results, with some wonderful feedback from a wide range of students. Stand out responses include 97% of students identifying that school encourages them to respect people from other backgrounds, faiths, races, sexualities, and to treat everyone equally. 98% of students understand the school rules and sanctions, and over 9 in 10 know which adult(s) they can go to with a safeguarding problem. The same number identify school as being a safe place.  

When asked what is special about a Sacred Heart education, the following comments (taken from hundreds of similar responses!) were shared:  

  • “The goal is for everyone to be treated equally no matter where they came from and what they have.” 

  •  “The teachers are very friendly and I have learned a lot.”  

  • “All ideas from me and my class are taken seriously and I feel a real sense of community among all the year groups and teachers.”  

  • “I also love all of the opportunities that opened for me in Sacred Heart and I believe that this school is a great place for any child to thrive!”  

  • “I think that it’s good because they take stuff like bullying and racism really seriously.”   

  • “I’m surrounded by girls that all support each other.”  

  • “Sacred Heart is very big on safeguarding. They pay attention to any bullying and stop it. They are very serious about us being kind and inclusive and they don't discriminate.”   

  • “I love the fact that most teachers understand that some students need extra help even if it isn't visible.”   

  • “The teachers are highly invested in every student’s future and that is reflected in their teaching.”  

  • “The teachers care not just about our learning but our physical and mental health.”  

  • “It's a very welcoming community where no one has to be afraid if being wrong or criticised but instead we grow together.”  

  • “Teachers make sure school is a safe place for every person.”  

  • “You feel seen and represented when spoken to.”  

  • “It is more like a family than a school. It feels like home.” 

Each year the outcomes of the survey help Sacred Heart develop and we constantly strive to ensure all our students are safe, happy and feel listened to.

If ever a parent or student feels that they have a suggestion that could improve our school or the safeguarding of our students, they should contact us at or call 0191 274 7373 and ask to speak to the relevant Head of Year.  

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