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"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat

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Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

Visit to Sky Up Studios in Livingston for Year 9 Geographers

Year 9 Geography students used state of the art equipment to produce their own news report on global extreme weather issues at the Sky Up Studio in Livingston.

Each student had a specific role within their teams and worked collaboratively with guidance from the Sky experts to plan and deliver the report.

The students then had a tour around the Livingston Sky contact team facilities and were offered information and guidance about getting how to get into media industry careers. It was an excellent experience for our Year 9 Geography students and due to the high level of interest we have been offered the opportunity to take another group to the studios in the new year.

Well done to the girls who attended the trip for their excellent teamwork and professionalism - they represented Sacred Heart excellently.

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