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"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat

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Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

Paired Readers Reflect on a Year of Reading Support

This month, Sixth Form students celebrated their last paired reading session of the academic year. Since the Autumn term, they have been working with Year 3 readers from Sacred Heart Primary and as the final session took place, they took some time to reflect on all the progress that has been made:


“Reading with my Year 3 buddy has been an incredibly valuable and rewarding experience for me. Seeing their faces light up when they understand a new word or get excited about a story is truly heartwarming. It's amazing to witness their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, which is so contagious that it often reminds me of the joy I felt when I first discovered my favourite books. This experience has also taught me patience and improved my communication skills, as I find ways to make the stories engaging and accessible for them. I would definitely do it again and recommend it to other Sixth Formers, because it's not only fulfilling to help young children develop a love for reading, but it's also a fun and enriching way to spend my time.”


Mrs Mason, Goals Co-Ordinator at Sacred Heart High School, has been impressed by their commitment to this project this year: “I am very proud of all the efforts of Year 12 students who have relished this opportunity. Thank you to Sacred Heart Primary for allowing us to collaborate together and live out our Goals of COMMUNITY, PERSONAL GROWTH and INTELLECT.”

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