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1st Week of Advent

This week marks the beginning of Advent, a period of anticipation and preparation.

Over the next four weeks, Christians all over the world will begin to prepare for the celebration of Christmas. This is a time where we are encouraged to make space and slow down so that we can spiritually prepare to welcome Jesus into our lives at Christmas. ​

During each week in Advent, we will reflect on a different theme. This week all our prayers will focus on the theme of HOPE.

Our prayer for the first week of advent is:

O come Emmanuel.​

We anticipate great news that we so desperately need.​

Break into this world again and again and again,​

Like you did so many years ago.​

Bring joy to the people, hope to the hopeless, light to the darkness.​

And may we prepare you room so that we may be instruments of your peace. Amen

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