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"Courage & Confidence" | St Madeleine Sophie Barat

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Founded in 1905 by the Sacred Heart Society

Sixth Form Literature Students London Theatre Residential

"Is he out of his mind?"...well we were all out of our minds during this fabulous trip to the Big Smoke! Just before the Easter Holidays, ten of our A-Level English Literature students set off to London, exploring the city's rich culture and watching two amazing shows.

"Intensely though provoking" said one of the students, Scarlett, after having witnessed the enriching and shocking tragedy of Othello at the Wanamaker Theatre - a great way to begin the vigorous academic journey of Year 13.

The world premiere of NYE at the National Theatre was some of the students' first experience of modern theatre and really allowed us to gain a deep insight into the social politics surrounding the NHS at the time of its creation - featuring the brilliant Michael Sheen!

Yet theatre was not the only cultural experience we undertook in the capital, as we ventured down the South Bank and participated in Yoko Ono's "Wish Trees for London" art project, hanging wishes on the branches of olive trees - and stumbling upon El Anatsui's: Behind the Red Moon in the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern. We wrapped up this adventure with a quick stop at Covent Garden, doing a splash of shopping before heading home.

Overall, this was a brilliantly executed trip, enriching our learning whilst also being extremely enjoyable! A big thank you on behalf of all the student to Miss Milburn and especially Mrs Perry not only for organising everything fabulously but also for lugging our ten bags around the city to the Youth Hostel!

Poppy Watkins and the Year 12 Lit Team

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